Foundation Years
Your student loans might be paid off, or you have savings to begin investing. You may have been promoted at work, or building a business. You may have bought your first home, or are planning to start a family. It’s important at this stage to focus on saving, budgeting, and debt management.
Growing your family
Your life as a family has started and there are many changes occurring compared to when you were young and independent - the most obvious being more responsibility.
Building towards retirement
You may have increased responsibilities in life and looking to make more lifestyle choices for yourself. Your kids may be grown up, and you have smaller mortgage(s), Your expenses are starting to diminish. You may be at the peak of your earning capacity.
Enjoying retirement
You want to make sure your assets can sustain you for the rest of your lives. You may want to maximise your social security entitlements. You may want help with the complexities of pension, superannuation and social security rules.
Succession and Estate Planning
If you have built a business, you need to plan for its future after you leave or retire. Likewise, you want to ensure that your other assets pass in an effective way to the people you love after your death.
Twilight years
You are likely to be reflecting on a life well lived and looking at ways to leave a legacy behind for your loved ones. You may be looking to downsize your home and/or getting assistance to maintain independent living.